Tuesday, January 3, 2012

What can parents do about the rising drop out rates?

America’s drops out rates are still rising and African American youth have still have the highest drop rates.  Students reasons for dropping out of high school are they don’t have a sense of belonging, classes are not interesting, they are not motivated and simply don’t have incentive enough to try.  Parents are not involved in helping these young people and keeping them motivated enough to keep trying.  Parent involvement in keep and starts from the time our children are infants.  There are ways parents can keep children in school. 

A child does not decide to drop out of school overnight.  Usually, it’s something he or she has been thinking about for a while.  As a parent, you can take steps to prevent your child from dropping out.  But it’s important to start early.  Your child is never too young to be encouraged, listened to and loved. 

For parents who have infants and toddlers be a good role model.  Your baby learns by watching you.  It is important to hold and hug your child often, as it is good for both of you.  A healthy baby has a head start on learning.  It is important that your child learns to eat a healthy diet even in infancy.  You are helping your child develop life long habits.  Most importantly, you need to be a model for reading.  Make books available in the house.  You can purchase plastic and hard cardboard books so your child can touch and manipulate.  Lastly, read to our child everyday and let him see you reading, and he will mimic you.

If you have preschoolers, you can teach your child about the world around you go to the grocery store, part, museums, and library together.  Don’t be in a hurry.  Give your child time to learn and grow.  Turn the television off and give your child a picture book, coloring book, and drawing paper. Let your child help with simple tasks like putting toys and clothes away.  Talk to your preschooler, congratulate and applaud any small accomplishment.  You are providing them with opportunities to feel successful. 

Parent with children in kindergarten through third grade can be active in the child’s school.  Make sure your child goes every day.  Make going to school habitual.  Get to know the teachers and talk to them about your child regularly.  Continue reading to your child and ask her to read to you.  Make sure your child has plenty of playtime with other children and learns to share.  Always make time to listen, its one of the most important things you can do.  And again applaud your child for the small things he does.  You are still providing them with opportunities to know what success feels like. 

When your child is in fourth to eighth grade you need to remain actively involved.  Ask about your child’s day at school and ask about homework.  Be ready with praise for a job well done.  We build our children’s self esteem by applauding them for their accomplishments, no matter how small or large.  Make sure that homework is done and correct.  Meet your child’s friends and supervise them carefully as they interact with your child.  Visit the school often and if you think there’s a problem at school, talk to the teachers and principal immediately. 

If your child is in high school, you are not finished yet.  High school students need as much monitoring and motivation as younger children.  Make sure that school comes first with your child.  Don’t allow him to miss school.  Check his attendance and homework.  Ask about classwork.  Praise his for even the small successes.  Listen when your high schooler talks about the school day.  Help your teenager balance school, work, and social life.  Ask about her dreams and her goals.  Show your teenager the connection between school and reaching those goals.  Teenagers need space, but make sure they know that you’re always there for them. 

Remember, a child who loves learning will learn to love school.  Help your child.  Read, explain, and take every teachable moment.  Take every moment as an opportunity to teach your child that a good education is a sure way to a better life.  As a parent, it is our responsibility to make sure that our children do not become one of the million students who drop out of school every year in America.  We have a responsibility and we cannot drop the ball until our children are successful. 

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