Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Benefits of Home School

        Very often, parents who home-school are shunned and considered completely nuts.  In case that has happened to you,  this information comfort you and help you re-believe that yes, you are doing the right thing.  Who knows better what is best for their child besides a responsible and nurturing parent.
          I have coached parents who home-school their children.  Most  parents for which I have consulted aim to home-school responsibly.  However, their are some whose responsibility aim, falls short of their target.  This articles describes common benefits of responsible homeschooling as well as tips in which a parent who decides to home-school should aim.
          Parents report that the benefits of responsible home-school surpasses all educational experiences.  In this day and time, a great benefit to home-school is a parent’s ability to protect their  children from the negative influences they may encounter outside the home.  With the rise of violence in urban schools these days, this benefit probably surpasses all others.  Parents want their children safe.   Home-schooling parents report that the transfer of their own familial values and belief to their children is the most beneficial of their experiences.  Parents report that the ability to address their children’s questions regarding common and  everyday challenges and joys of life is a plus.
            Another benefit is the time taken to address  various other subjects and  building intimate and meaningful relationships with their children.  Most parents appreciate the ability to control what is learned and how is.  Many children find school boring, children who are responsibly home schooled are usually inept to the idea of boredom.  They are better able to entertain themselves with a good book, they usually watch movies more critically, and they usually have no problem creating activities which combat boredom.
            Homeschooling affords parents the opportunity to tailor teaching and learning to suit their child’s particular learning styles. Research shows that teaching one-on-one is the most effective means of imparting knowledge from teacher to student.   It allows parents the ability to provide their children with in-depth and personal attention which is beneficial when faced with subjects and concepts for which they struggle.  Thus, children usually excel in these areas faster than if they were taught in a classroom setting.  Alleviating the typical constraints of a traditional classroom during teaching and learning  has been beneficial to may students entering post-secondary program.  From my experience at coaching families who conduct responsible homeschool programs, these are the areas of content that are usually lacking. However, I say if you can do it, do it, but do it right, and do it consistently.

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