Hello World!

Why do I feel the need to write yet another blog about "life" when there are so many blogs written by Life Coaches?  …..Hmmmm, good question…..Well, for one thing, this blog is specifically for sisters who have been hurt by somebody and have  gotten over it, or are getting past the complaining that we fall into so easily.  It is written for those who may have lived in the past as victims and now are ready to just let go and let God.  Its for the sister who is ready to let go of the bad stuff, the taboo stuff, the stuff we don’t generally want to speak about.  This blog is for women who are inspired, who need inspiring,  as we all do sometimes no matter how “strong” we think we may be.  This daily updated blog is for educational purposes only. It is especially for me, my daughters, my sisters and the men who love them. It will be packed with great tips for peaceful, productive, and healthy living.

After waddling in self pity for so long, where do we fit into this life?  Well, we fit in as coaches for others.  A sister who has been through "IT" and has waddled in self pity for so long because of "IT" has a whole lot to share.  The more we coach other sisters who are going through "IT" the better we get at living.  This blog  is for the young sister who just started going through "IT" and the veteran sister who is an old hand at "IT".  This blog is for sisters who believe that prayer is what we need to get throught "IT".  

I am not pushing a particular doctrine, though my ideas are probably as strong as yours.  As women we have to understand that all doctrines came from the mind of a man. No matter what men teach us to believe, women need to remember that THE CREATOR is our help. We have him and he gave us each other.  Understand also that I am in no way attempting to drive a thicker wedge between men and women, no on the contrarary, this blog is about family and will be tool for chipping away at the wedge transforming "IT" and strengthening the family.  There is nothing like the sisterhood!  I an thinking of this blog in this way, "Strong sisters make strong sisters stronger."  I am writing for myself, my daughters, my blood sisters, my sister-in-law, my neices, my female cousins, my aunts, and my spiritual sisters as well. 

Now back to "It",  me personally, I heard the old adage, “Let Go and Let God” many times.  But I didn’t how to even start doing that.  Even after so long, I still struggle,  so I coach.  I don't think we ever get over "IT" because of the punishment Eve brought upon us all, " Your desire shall be for your husband" Genesis 3:16.  Sometimes we want "IT" so badly, it hurts.  The hurt comes from deep, real deep. It has been so deep for me that I have learned to stop and get very still, close my eyes, take deep breaths, and pray.  I have to control that thing, that money on my back.  If you are a woman of any age, you know exactly what I am talking about even if you act like you don't.  Don't kid yourself, you know.  I hope you can see me sitting in my chair or lying in my bed still, deeply breathing, closing my eyes, praying and trying to get a grip.  I mean that literally.  Hey, whatever works right? If you don't know what "IT" is yet, it is not sex.  So what is it? 

It's the strong desire for the love of a man, the long to hear his voice, the desire to be touched by one, the desire to be in the company of man, the desire to be wanted by one, the feelings that stir inside when you are attracted to, the chemicals that are released during those first stages and re-released when you think someone else has his attention or when you think you are about lose him.  The feeling you get when you leave him because he's not worth two cents or because he treated you poorly.  Then check it out!  You either  left because he was mistreating you or he wasn't worth two cents then you have the nerve to yearn to go back thinking it is better to have just any ole man rather than remain alone.  The feelings and thoughts that flow through our heads and bodies when we keep choosing the same kind of man giving us the same kind of heartache.  It's the feelings that makes you want to at least have a companion, just someone to talk to, anyone with that thing swinging between his legs. We simply want to be treat nicely, queenly, kindly - sometimes a mere warm smile will do.  Part of "IT", gone amuck,  is what makes some of us go froliking around with someone else's man engaging in frivolous activity that not even that deep down we know is just wrong.  Sometimes we just go farting at the foot, knowing full well that rarely will he actually leave his wife.  She is his love you are the booty call.    Most of us have been of one side or the other of that coin.  Some of us have experienced both sides. 

The older we  get though, you don't sex so much as we simply desire simple companionship.  We generally want someone to show "IT" to us without drama, though these young sisters cause the drama sometimes.   We want to know what "IT" is.  We want to feel "IT", but often choose the wrong one to show to us what "IT" really is.  It is what makes us flirtatious when we don't have that special someone or it makes us respond favorably to flirting from our mates.  It is the feeling that makes them chase and makes us enjoy the chase. It's why we date, with or without benefits.   We've put down our best friends for it, you know you have.  It's what makes us put that extra in being dolled up this morning because the new UPS man is fine as wine and we're expecting a package today.   Whether a sistah has on a construction uniform, a nurse's uniform, or a business suit, she longs for "IT".    It's fun and it feels freakin good.   You know, "IT". 

On the flipside of "IT" lies the solution, spend time getting closer to The Most High.  Consequently, the more I coach the more I know the more tools I collect,  as I am a lifelong learner.  I learn from teaching others and I learn from listening to others.  The more I write, the more I want to write.  The more I want to write, the more my ideas grow and flourish.   I hope there are at least a few novels to come out of my work on this blog.  Thus, I guess  I really  created this blog to inspire “me” to write and to inspire other sisters to "share".  As a matter of truth, it was my daughters, Ella Lacey, who inspired me to start blogging again as she started blogging again and Naamee C. who is a forward thinker among her peers.  I am a proud mama of two beautiful daughters with good heads on their shoulders.  The Most High taught me how to teach my daughters to wail and pray cunningly seeking his refuge. "Yet hear the word of the LORD, O ye women, and let your ear receive the word of his mouth, and teach your daughters wailing, and every one her neighbour lamentation."  Jeremiah 9: 20.  The Lord warned us, we had better listen.  "Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help." Psalm 146:3.  There you have it.  We need to trust The Most High, he keeps telling us that.

So, there you go.  And here I go.  I hope you’ll join me on my journey by “following” my blog, “sharing” posts with your family,  friends, and sistah girls.  Be sure to add your comments and tips along the way too.  I'll look forward to them!  Finally, welcome to, It’s Just Life, a place for sisters who are in the process of getting over "IT as well as those who have how gotten over "IT",  and survived to tell about it.  Those of you who know what "IT" is, or think you have know what "IT" is,  as I do you know that we never actually get over "IT", we need an extra boost every now and then.  We merely learn to live with 'IT" or without  "IT", which ever is the case. In many cases we learn to live without "IT" bitterly.  This blog is for those of us who are ready to take a good long hard look within, a good look at self.  Is the glas half empty or half full.  No one person is ever completely responsible for any mishap.  If you are ready to admit that instead of complaining what someone else did then you are in the right place.  This blog is for you.  

Welcome.  Anyhow, join me and let’s inspire one another. This blog is about love; eros love, philos love, and agape love.  It's about love of God, love of self, and the love of companion or mate.  Then, we'll stick in the  love of family & friends.  Thus,  "IT" is LOVE.  It will contain thoughts, articles, information, and ideas that pertain to women.  You will find recipes, formulas for success, finanacial information, tips for helping our children succeed in school, how to get back in school yourself, and other information pertaining to women to help enhance the family and improve the quality of life.   This blog is for my sisters, men you are welcomed and we do need to get your views, as it is written with you in mind, but not the way you think.  

Ready, set, go! Don't forget to leave comments and share your feelings, thoughts, and experiences as well.  I don't know profess to know everything, I need your thoughts too.  We know enough together.  Let's get this started for real this time.  Ready, set, go!