Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Crock Pot Cooking: A Few Minor Tidbits

The crockpot is a busy woman's best friend.  The body was designed to digest good healthy food.  In this day and time though, most of find it difficult to cook good healthy food and resort to eating out far to often.  From time to time, this blog will suggest crockpot eatery that is useful to the woman busy working and taking care of other family stuff that deter us from spending necessary time in the kitchen.

Tip 1:  After you fill your crockpot with the necessary ingredients for the recipe you ar using, be sure to keep the lid securely on the crockpot so that during the cooking a the food doesn't push up on the lid. Don't fill your crockpot to the rim for the same reason. You don't want to be greeted with a big mess when you get home. If you are at home, resist the temptation to take a quick peek or stir frequently as crockery cooking depends highly on the heat that buiilds up in the crockpot during the day. A crockpot with a timer is best and more convenient. It will give you comfort on those days when you will be home later than usual.

Tip 2:  The lining of your crockpot will crack if you preheat it then add your food. If you will be out all day, then is recommended that you cook your food on a low temperature. As soon as possible remove the leftover food or storage. Then to preserve the condition of this valuable tool, clean it with hot soapy water and dry. To protect the crockery liner, avoid subjecting it to sudden temperature changes. With time you will learn to utilize your crockpot to your best advantage. Preparing that perfect meal takes practice.

More crockpot tips to come.

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