Friday, November 25, 2011

What does your body need? Do you even know?

Stress significantly contributes to ill health. It is a major factor in obesity, high blood pressure, strokes, ulcers, as well as heart disease. If I'm feeling stressed  I  need to relax, meditate, go through my "Letting Go" process, and I need to pray.

If nobody else doesn't love me,  I do and I know my  body needs the Vitamin B6 found in bananas, figs, prunes, potatoes chick peas, cauliflower, and fortified cereals.  I know my body needs the antixodants and the nutrients found in red reshi or ganaderma.  So I give the body I love what it needs.  I drink several cups of tea, coffee, or hot chocolate that contains the ganaderma miracle everyday. 

Also, biotin found in soybeans, liver, fish, egg yolks, and whole grains may also help my  body deal with stresses in life.  Biotin is  a water-soluble B vitamin, acts as a coenzyme in the metabolism of protein. fats, and carbohydrates.  Unrefined carbohydrates found in all fruits and vegetables, leguumes brown rice, bran and other whole grains is also be useful in helping my  body cope.  I've noticed that it is not the amount of protein my body intakes but the amount of protein compared to carbohydrates.  Though I need the carbohydrates found in fruits and vegetables, I need protein more, and not the protein in meats.  As a matter of fact, my body doesn't handle protein in meats very well anymore.  As I age, I need more natural proteins.  such as that found in almonds.  Spirulina and protein shakes, does my body well.  I know that as I age my body needs it fill of calcium, is the most prevalent and one of the most important minerals in the human body.
It is necessary for my bone health and preventing osteoporosis, but it has many other benefits too. 
It also helps to protect cardiac muscles, prevent colon cancer, alleviate the symptoms of PMS, and helps to maintain body weight and prevent obesity.  I know I can get it from the stuff I love like, Kale greens, white fish, and black beans.

Because I love myself, I add more fluids to your diet, mostly good alkaline water.  When I am stressed additional water, fresh fruit or vegetable juices, or green tea with ganaderma enhances the body's innate coping mechanisms. When I add calcium, B-complex, vitamin C, and potassium supplements to my diet, I am better able to cope with stress even when the stressful person or things refuses to go away.  You have got to get to know your body and give it what it needs to feel good.

My body needs the miracle of ganaderma to  promote health and longevity relieve fatigue, keep cholesterol in check, curb syptoms of high blood pressure, tame inflammation that flares up in the body, build stamina, and support the immune system.   Of course we want to always consult our physican if experiencing help problems.  Take out your journal and record your body's reactions to different foods you eat.   My point is, what does your body need?  Do you even know?  Does you body feel good when you take the medication you've been prescribed?  Does it feel good when you take vitamins?  Which ones?  How does your body feel when you don't drink enough water?  How does it feel when you get 8 hours of restful sleep compared to 5 hours?  Does your body feel better when you eat a bowl of mac & cheese as opposed to a bowl of brown rice?  How does your body feel after exercising vs if you don't exercise at all?  What kind of exercise does your body well?    Love yourself and find out what your body needs.    In the meantime, order your beverages containing the ganaderma miracle. It's a good start. "And I'm feeling good" my Jennifer Hudson voice.  Click here to check out the miracle in coffee, hot chocolate, and tea :

Works Cited
High Protein as an Effective Tool for Weight Management  Am J Clin Nutr.   Paddon-Jones D, Westman E, Mattes RD, Wolfe RR, Astrup A, Westerterp-Plantenga M.

Protein, Leucine, and Aging  J. Nutr.   Satoshi Fujita and Elena Volpi.

Higher Protein Boosts Muscle Metabolism and Weight Loss  J Am Coll Nutr.   Layman DK.

High Protein Diets Help Bones, Low Protein Diets Harm Bones   Eur J Nutr.  Tucker KL, Hannan MT, Kiel DP.

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