Saturday, November 19, 2011

Crockpot Recipe: Black Bean Soup

The black bean is from the soybean family and is high in protein and low in carbohydrates. Therefore, black beans are a good and nutritious food useful for shedding extra pounds. The protein within beans helps the body rid itself of unneeded calories and boost the metabolism.
My favorite Black Bean recipe.  My children loved it when they were little, and they love it now as adults. You will love it too.  Guaranteed.
  • Soak 1 lb of dried black beans for overnight
  • In the morning before leaving for work, place the black beans in your crockpot.
  • Cover with water.
  • add one crushed bayleaf
  • add one medium chopped onion
  • add two or three cloves of chopped garlic
  • 1 1/2 tsp of salt or soup base
  • 1/4 - 1 tsp of red pepper, dependent upon how hot you like your beans.
  • Cover and put temperature on low
  • Cook approximately 8 hours (If you forget to soak the beans, you will probably have to add more water and cook the beans at least 2 more hours.)
When you come home place 1/2 cup of chopped green, red, and yellow bell peppers in the crockpot.
Set temperature on high and cook approx 20 more minutes.
While the pots steams the bell pepper, chopped tomaotes and green onions to top as a tasty garnish.
Serve over brown rice or with homemade cornbread.  I have a mouth watering recipe for homemade cornbread that I will share in another post. 
Tomatoes have antioxidant and cancer preventing properties.
Green Onions helps to lower blood pressure and cholesterol and is high in vitamin C.

Friday, November 18, 2011

An Attitude of Gratitude

In order to make your dreams come true it is important that you follow your passion. It is also important that you follow your passion having clear goals. Your goals will become a reality if you are willing and ready to work hard with perseverance.

Perseverance is striving and trying with unfailing acts of patient effort. It indicates that continuos toil, exertion, strain, drudgery, travail, and work be applied, activated, practiced, put use, and adjusted. To persevere means that you try and try again. It means that you don’t stop until what you sought and worked for is accomplished. It means that you don’t stop until you are successful. When you try hard enough and long enough and your efforts don’t produce your aim, then perseverance implies that your efforts be adjusted. Try again another way, then another, and another. Practice until whatever it is that you want to accomplish is achieved, until it is completed, until you have reached success.

It is imperative that as you persevere you avoid feeling sorry for yourself when you goals seem as though they aren’t being accomplished. Keep a positive attitude. It is easy for negative thinking to be transformed into self-pity. It is easy to get stuck in self-pity and wallow in it. In order to avoid wallowing in self-pity; don’t focus on the bad. Don’t focus on the things that have not happened yet. When you get caught up in self-pity, you lose your perspective. Don’t focus on those things for which you have no control. Above all, avoid the trap of comparing yourself and your life to others. Don’t focus on how much better someone else appears to be doing.

You can get caught up in the trap of self-pity very quickly and without being conscious of it. If this happens then shift your perspective. Look around you. Think about those things for which you can be grateful. Life can always be worse. Consider the things you have in your life, the things that have gone well for you that you have taken for granted. Think about those things that others would love to have, to be, or to be able to do that you have and are able to do.

Another way to shift your perspective is to do something for someone in need. Visit a sick relative, assist a helpless neighbor, volunteer at a food pantry to feed people who have no food. Take a bag lunch and a blanket to a homeless person living on the street with no shelter from the rain. Visit the hospital and read a story to a child who has no legs, no arms, or who is dyeing from a terminal disease. Think about your blessings, count them and thank God for them one by one.

Just get up and get moving. Put one foot in front of the other, then again, and again, and again. Keep doing this until you have built a momentum. You will find that there is no room for self-pity to dwell with you. Soon the debilitating trap will flee and your efforts will be fruitful again.

The following 10 things helps me keep a positive attitude as I  try daily to work hard and  persevere.

1. I try to smile and find something in every circumstance.  I try to find something to  laugh about, I try to enjoy the good in this very difficult and challenging  life. There is good and bad every person's life. Identify the good in yours and rejoice for it.

2. After I  have "prayed up" and thanked God for what good there is in my life, and praised Him for his goodness, I do what I find difficult for me, I get out and mingle with people greeting them courteously. I try to be enthusiastic even when I may not be up to it.  I find that enthusiasm permeates me when I allow it.  Call a friend or relative, but not to complain about your life, instead to offer encouragement and your help.

3. I think about my  goals. Dream, aim high, and engage in thoughts that help you see your success.  "Think" life to yourself, to your dreams, to your desires and aspirations. I "think" life, and it is very difficult sometimes, but I am learning to change my thoughts.  I am learning to dwell on what is good instead of what is wrong.

4. I try not ot  make excuses.  I try to be open to Aadjust my plans, act on them, and work them.  I put forth effort and direct that effort to getting things done instead of putting too much focus on why things can't be done, and if I need to, I ask for help from a friend or an expert  Don't be afraid to ask for help so that things can get done.

5. I make an attempt to Bbe focused and single minded as I work. I love my work.  Be dedicated, disciplined and committed. Appreciate what you do, love your work.

6. Strive for excellence but be humble and open-minded about it. Be open to change and don’t be afraid to take risks.

7. It is sometimes difficult to judge others.  Don’t be judgmental of others.  It is more often difficult to forgive, especially when someone has clearly hurt you, continues to hurt you, and does is with intention and forethought.  Learn to forgive and forget. Develop a loving attitude. Be sympathetic and compassionate to others.  This is a hard one, but if I can forge through the garbage people have done to me, I can forgive and it makes me more compassionate, sympathethic, and causes me to have a good attitude and  a big smile on my face.

8. Through hardship and a whole lot of pain, I have learned to accept adversity and disappointment. I do though, have a long way to go.   Lean to overcome them as you come out feeling stronger. Whether good or bad, let every experience be a learning experience.

9.  I find that I can't fix what is wrong with me until I admit that it is wrong with me.  I am still learning to be my own judge, to examine myself inside and out.  When there is a difficulty I try to look at my part in causing the harm.  My father used to ask me all the time, "What did you learn?"  There is learning in every situation. Be your own critic. Recognize your faults and your mistakes, acknowledge them and strive for self- improvement.

10. Keep your face and focus on God, live each day performing good in which he can appreciate. Train yourself to have an attitude of gratitude at all times. I am still working on this one too, but I am getting better everyday.

Don't take life for granted; make each day count. Tell your love ones you love then everyday, and don't take silly arguments to bed, or through the day. The scripture tells us to not allow the sun to go down on our wrath. Simply put, forgive before the day is over, and don't go to bed mad. Take nothing for granted, not even for a split second! After you have finished watching this poor man's experience, think about this. What do you have for which to be thankful? How many blessings can you count?

After you have counted your blessings and have shown God an attitude of gratitude, pray for someone else today.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

It's in the beverage, no kidding!

When I was 16, I suffered with a very tragic and life changing event.  Immediately afterwards, I began to suffer with heartburn whenever I ate and it lasted hours.   I still suffer with emotional trauma from time to time because of it.  The mind is a strange organ.  We’ll talk about that another time though.  Let’s get back to the severe heartburn. 

During each of my 6 pregnancies, I suffered heartburn so badly, I cried when I had to eat. It seems my digestive system underwent a drastic change after the occurrence of this very tragic event. I have suffered heartburn so badly over the years, no matter what I ate, that I would get my mind and my body ready to “take” the pain.

This weekend my daughter plans to cook a pot of chili with plenty of onions, garlic, chili peppers, chopped tomatoes, as well as green, yellow, and red peppers, a large salad and crackers for dinner.  I tried enzymes before and they work, but temporarily.  I don’t have to brace myself this time, and the discomfort won’t go away only temporarily either.  You know why?  Because my sister Dr. Sunni hooked me up with coffee, green tea, and hot chocolate.  Yep, you are reading right, I said coffee, green tea, and hot chocolate.  Simple huh?  Well not really.  This coffee, tea, and hot chocolate is made something special.  It has what used to be secret in
Japan.  It was used only by royalty there.  Today, some call it a miracle herb.  It is Ganoderma also called Red Reshi.   If you'd like to try some, go to:

Check it out on FACEBOOK:

“Scientists researched the special healing effects of Ganoderma herb on circulatory system, nervous system and immune system as well as its anti-cancer effects. Studies show it can significantly:
·                             improve your blood circulation
·                             calm your nerves
·                             enhance your immune system
·                             improve cancer healing chances
Your body operates on these major systems. If not properly regulated, you may fall ill. Ganoderma herb helps to regulate your various body systems, maintain stability and ensure a balance between internal and external body conditions. Besides this, Ganoderma also has other important functions in your body...

Detoxify and energize your body

Ganoderma can also eliminate toxins accumulated in your body through intake of various western medication, antibiotic, pain killer and anti inflammatory medicines. It thus achieves a strong detoxification effect to maintain your body balance. And in this fast paced modern world, people are subjected to extensive pressure resulting in tension, insomnia, giddiness, fatigue and loss of appetite. The Organic Germanium in Ganoderma helps to enhance your blood stream ability to take in oxygen by more than 1.5 times. It also increases your metabolism rate and slow down your aging. According to research by Japanese doctor, the concentration of Organic Germanium in Ganoderma is about 800 to 2000 ppm (parts per million), which is 4 to 6 times much higher than Ginseng.”

Slow down your aging

In addition, Ganoderma Lucidum also contains Polysaccharides which help to strengthen your immune system. Hence the stabilizing effects of Ganoderma can strengthen your health, improve your vitality and improve your immune system. With this, Ganoderma Lucidum herb obviously help to slow down your aging process. And this is the essence of ancient medical classic that states, "continuous consumption of Ganoderma makes your body light and young, lengthening life and making you like an immortal who never dies".

Well I can’t testify about all that you just read but I can testify that I am drinking a few cups of coffee, green tea, or hot chocolate with the once secret ingredient and from my experience since I have added it to my diet, when I finish eating that bowl of chili my daughter is cooking this weekend, I won’t have to to prepare my body to suffer through a certain attack of heartburn.  As a matter after drinking either of the beverages, I have to remind myself to eat because my body needs food and when I do eat, I eat a child’s plate.  This satisfies me fully.  No kidding!   

My food is being digested properly and I don’t even have the acid reflux occurrences that I had prior to GANO
DERMA immediately before or after a meal. It’s been easy, no after taste, and no facial cringes brought about by apple cider vinegar. The beverages taste great.   I don't feel so full, heavy, and tight. I am loving it!  By the way, GANODERMA is not helping me with my emotional issues, God has already done that.   If you’d like to try the beverages though, go to:

It’s in the coffee, tea, or hot chocolate! 

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

You Reap What You Sow

Give, because God has given to you. Not only that, but he has even more in store for his servants. I thought I would share this message that is designed as a tool for self-motivated with someone who may also benefit. When I opened my email the other day I gained pleasure in two emails from folks I don't know. As I re-read them this morming I am encourged.

They commented on words of encouragement I gave to others in several blogs I'd written. The funny thing is that the Lord moved these people to send encouraging comments on day when I needed encouragement. You see, I have learned to live by the biblical concept that "you reap what you sow." I have also learned by experience that what good I sow will be reaped in my life at a time, like today, when I need it most.

On the other hand, it also my experience that whatever bad I have sown, I will probably reap it when it is most inconvenient or a time when it will be most painful. Because of the encouragement I received from others whom I have encouraged Again, I have an renewed attitude of gratitude.

Additionally, as I enter another stage of life, while I can, I strive to instill in my children ideas, concepts, and tools that I know they will need as they go about to make a way for themselves in this world. One of the tools I know they will certainly need is the ability to be self-motivated by their own grattitude. Today, I am blessed because I am happy. The joy and peace of my Lord and Savior has overcome me. Today, too, will be a good day because I am thankful and because of Jesus, I am not alone. I can accomplish all that I desire becaise my mind is on the mighty God who strengthens me. I pray you also have a happy today.

Don't forget to utilize the tools for shedding extra pounds and for feeling good while doing so. Find a partner to practice these stay healthy tips with and to share weight loss goals and accomplishments. Motivate someone who needs motivating. Give somebody something they need. Share a smile with someone who needs to smile, they will feel like you touched them. Share the information with others and spread the joy that Jesus is ready to give you today. Jesus said that the second greatest commandment was, love thy neighbor as thyself." When you do this, I guarantee you that feelings of loneliness, thoughts of woe, and depression will ease up off of you. Plus, let me tell you this, you will find and ease to your financial lack. When I focus on helping others, no matter how big or small, when I give from my heart, I get whatever it is I need. It usually comes from an unexpected source.

Give joy, give encouragement, give help to someone who needs it. In return God will bless you with a peaceful smile on your face that comes from deep within your soul and is better than any smile put there by any male or female man. Certainly, this is some powerful stuff!  Tap into the power of "you reap what you sow." I find it rewarding and fulfilling.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Crock Pot Cooking: You Can Have it All

In this day and age, mothers seem to be too busy to cook good healthy food for their families. As a result we are a nation of obese and unhealthy citizens. Plus, since McDonald's and other fast food franchises have made their way to other countries, obesity and ill health is becoming a world wide problem. Someone in each household needs to cook. But, everyone is busy! These days even when I am home all day. I am busy working. So, what are we to do!

There are ways to combat this transformation. The use of a crock pot is an easy solution. Crock Pots, also referred to as crockery cooking are simple kitchen appliances to operate. To learn about the specific features of your model, check the manufacturer's instruction booklet for best results.

Planning ahead is a must. I have to know exactly what I will be cooking for the week. With practice this process doesn't take too long. I use Sundays, the first day of the week, to chop and measure vegetables I may need during the week in my crock potting cooking. I store these vegetables in ziplock bags for easy access. TIf I think I may use chicken, fish, or other meats in my cooking, I boil and season them ahead of time and store them in ziplock bags as well. I boil my meats because it makes it easier the body to metabolize and is easier to digest. Boiling of the meats also removes the excess fat and blood, which according to the Lord's dietary law, are not supposed to be consumed (Leviticus 3:17). Taking the time to prepare the ingredients I will need for the week ahead of time doesn't actually take that long and helps to make my busy days less stressful. Plus, I can be certain my family and I eat well instead filling ourselves with fast foods or frozen prepared foods that are also unhealthy.

I'm getting really quick. I can fill my crock pot with all the necessary ingredients and seasonings quick and fast. We look forward to coming home after a busy day and smell good food cooking ready for immediate consumption. On days when I am upstairs busy pecking away at my keyboard, it is comforting when I smell the aroma of our healthy dinner slowly cooking and filling the house with its redolence. It makes me feel like a better mother when my children can fill their bellies with the necessary nutrients they need to do well in school. Of course it is a satisfying plus to have healthy food prepared to aid in my shedding of unnecessary weight permanently. Usually all I have to do is add a salad, crackers, or bread to complete my meal. I love it!

A crockpot is a tool useful to the contemporay and busy family.

Crock Pot Cooking: A Few Minor Tidbits

The crockpot is a busy woman's best friend.  The body was designed to digest good healthy food.  In this day and time though, most of find it difficult to cook good healthy food and resort to eating out far to often.  From time to time, this blog will suggest crockpot eatery that is useful to the woman busy working and taking care of other family stuff that deter us from spending necessary time in the kitchen.

Tip 1:  After you fill your crockpot with the necessary ingredients for the recipe you ar using, be sure to keep the lid securely on the crockpot so that during the cooking a the food doesn't push up on the lid. Don't fill your crockpot to the rim for the same reason. You don't want to be greeted with a big mess when you get home. If you are at home, resist the temptation to take a quick peek or stir frequently as crockery cooking depends highly on the heat that buiilds up in the crockpot during the day. A crockpot with a timer is best and more convenient. It will give you comfort on those days when you will be home later than usual.

Tip 2:  The lining of your crockpot will crack if you preheat it then add your food. If you will be out all day, then is recommended that you cook your food on a low temperature. As soon as possible remove the leftover food or storage. Then to preserve the condition of this valuable tool, clean it with hot soapy water and dry. To protect the crockery liner, avoid subjecting it to sudden temperature changes. With time you will learn to utilize your crockpot to your best advantage. Preparing that perfect meal takes practice.

More crockpot tips to come.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Move it.....Move it.....Move it......

In, two, three, four,
Out, two, three, four.

In, two, three, four,
Out, two, three, four.

Don't have time to exercise today? Got at least 10 minutes? Try this quick and easy daily power walk to get your metabolism moving.

First, warm up your body and wake up your metabolism when you first get up in the morning. Begin with a couple of diaphragmatic breaths: Inhale deeply to the count of 1; hold the breath to the cound of 4; then exhale to the count of 2. Breath in this manner for 3-5 minutes.

Next, inhale through your nose to the count of 4 and exhale to the count of 4 through your mouth. Repeat this breathwalk for 5 minutes continuously.

The Power Walk. This is a tidbit I got from the step aerobics class I took. It is perfect for folks like me who hate exercise. The idea of being in a gym with 20 or more other sweaty souls mimicing exercising and listening to a slim, good looking, physically fit instructor count for me and say, "good", "alright now", "here we go", "one more set", "that's it", "good job"; just doesn't sit well with me. I just don't get anything out of it. I can hardly wait until its over. I prefer to do something more meaningingful, like riding my bike, skating, or dancing.

On those days when I just don't feel like exercising or when I am too busy to do what I like as far as exercise is concerned, I have adapted the Power Walk. I find it to be very beneficial in getting my metabolism moving and burning calories that would otherwise be stored as fat. I can feel the burning sensation in my limbs. It is magnificent. The Power Walk even aids in keeping my mood happy and vibrant for the day.

For best results, experts suggest you hit the floor moving in the morning. They suggest you put on your walking clothes and shoes and hit the door immediately. Go outside in the open air and in order to warm up your body and wake up your metabolim. Take in a few deep breaths; inhale to the count of one...hold the breath to the count of four...then exhale to the count of two. NEXT, a for the next five minutes of your walk, inhale four quick breaths and exhale four quick breaths. That's all you need to do, I am usually ready to walk a bit longer after this effective pick me up. Try it. You will like.

An early morning power walk outside in the "fresh" air feels freakin fantastic.  As you can see I like that phrase "freakin fantastic".  I got it off of the movie Mirror Has Two Faces with Barbara Streisand.  It's a really good movie you gotta rent it.  I have it on my favorite movie shelf.  When are you going to start your power walks? 

For more information on the power walk go to: or ask your doctor and exercise instructor.  Remember to always consult your health care practitioner before starting any weight loss or exercise program.  It's just smart business.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Do you empower others? It's hard isn't it? Give yourself a boost.

Support for Those who Empower Others

Many of us work with others in social service settings where we are required to help our clients with issues regarding self-esteem and self-worth. As we know, these are key to improving the quality of life. This posr contains tips for helping those who we empower to increase their esteem, learn to appreciate their value, and improve relationships, thus; the first step to improving the quality of their lives. Since we are also humans with human problems we sometimes need a boost.  It is perfectly normal and okay.
How to Get More Out of a Relationship That You Value

Self Esteem is about self reflection, action, and reaction. Do you keep getting in relationships where it seems as if you're being taken for granted--where you give, and you give, but get little or nothing in return? Are you beginning to wonder why people keep treating you this way? If so, you are probably also feeling pretty confused, sad, and are beginning to lose what little confidence you had in yourself.

It can be very hard to maintain your self esteem and self confidence when you receive little appreciation and it seems as if the other person just doesn't care. Read on and discover a three-step self-esteem lesson plan for creating love and respect in all your relationships.

Are you in a relationship where you think you're being used, and not appreciated? Are you beginning to think that you must be doing something that gives the impression that you are not worth making an effort for--that you are perceived as the one who meets needs without requiring any reciprocal effort to meet yours as well?

If so, your self-esteem is probably at a low point and you are bound to feel less than confident. This scenario creates a vicious cycle-- low self-esteem creates how you feel-- how you feel creates how you act and in turn how others react to you. Now is the time to stop this vicious cycle by breaking the chain of your low self-esteem. How then is this great feat accomplished?

The very first thing to do if your esteem is not what it needs to be is to treat yourself as worthy. Love yourself and don’t be afraid to ask for what you want from others. Loving and accepting yourself is the first step to creating relationships of mutual respect and consideration.

Next, learn the three beginning steps below; they will help you practice self-love and are guaranteed to increase your self-esteem. By practicing these self-love techniques you will automatically start treating yourself as the worthy being that is your true nature. And in turn, so will others.

Explore Your Thinking

Secondly, whether you're aware of it or not, the thoughts that you think generate the way you feel about yourself and how you treat others. The way you feel about yourself governs the actions you take, which in turn creates your life and your problems and your successes and your challenges.

Most of us have been raised in cultures that teach us to focus only on what's happening in our environment. When you always focus on what's going on "out there", it's very challenging to really know what's going on "in here"--to know yourself and understand what's most important to you. If this is the case, then whenever something happens "out there" that you don't enjoy, all you know to do is try to and change your external circumstances. This is hopeless because the only thing you truly have control over is your internal reactions to your external circumstances.  The only thing you have control over is you.

To practice this step, I suggest you start by exploring your "low self-esteem" thinking. You begin by using your feelings as an alarm. The next time you feel uncomfortable in any way, try to identify what you were thinking about just before you started feeling uncomfortable. Thoughts are spirit and negative spirits creep in when you harbor a negative thought too long. 

Identify What is Most Important to You

The 3rd step that helps to increase self-esteem is to discover what's most important to you? What do you value most? What is so important to you that's missing in a particular situation and making you feel the way you feel? This will help you discover who you truly are. There are values are hidden beneath your everyday actions, reactions, and feelings. For example, underneath a sense of deep sadness, you might discover caring and consideration are very important to you. Caring and consideration might be missing in your life. What is hidden beneath your anger? What is hidden behind your feelings of helplessness? What is hidden beneath your depression? What is hidden beneath your feelings of nervousness? Go deep beneath your feelings and find out what you value. Upon reflection and deep investigation of yourself, you will find wonderful qualities that you can enjoy and learn to love, making it easier for others to love you the way you want to be loved.

Enjoy Your Own Company

Finally, take steps to appreciate who you are. Although at times you may feel very lonely. You can learn to stop feelings of loneliness at its onset. The very first moment you start to feel uncomfortable, the thing to do is to turn your thoughts to what is most important to you beneath your feelings. This will help you to appreciate YOU. You can appreciate that you are someone who desires caring and consideration. You can appreciate that you are someone who values understanding and effectiveness. Aren't these the qualities that you appreciate in others?

Self-esteem is all about self-love. Using the self-love techniques, you are guaranteed to find the best friend you’ve ever had, and will be well on our way to mastering the art of self-love and acceptance, especially when you  begin to feel lonely. With practice you gain the confidence to begin asking for what you want in all our relationships and never settle for less than you want again.

Knowing clearly what you  value makes it much easier to identify when it is missing and figure out how to get it. This is the surest path we know of to get the love and respect you  want in all your relationships. Understanding yourself and taking steps to build your own esteem, you will find that you will break the cycle of mistreatment, abuse, and unhappiness in relationships with family, friends, co-workers, as well as your mate.

Love yourself, how can you tell others how to love you if you don't know how to love yourself.  Be careful though, you  don't want to become self absorbed.  It's not only about you it's about others.  You have to find that perfect balance.