Saturday, October 6, 2012

A Lot to Celebrate

Commanded by The Most High to remember it.                                
Leviticus 23 first spoke of it.
The prophet Moses told Israel of it.
Joel said Blow ye the trumpet of Zion to let the people know of it.
Reminding us of that great day of the Lord and the power he will show in it. 
Afflicting our souls each year 5 days before the start of it.
No food     no drinks      nor any of our own pleasures to do before it.
That great and terrible day of the Lord is by reason of it.
Who shall be able to stand in contrast to it.

All inside of Revelations is where we read of it.
God will gather his people from the four corners of the world on it
At the sound of the 7th trump beams true of it. 
The prophets and apostles all knew of it.
King Solomon built an elaborate temple so God could live in it.
Nehemiah re-dedicated this temple after Israel was taken away from it.
John wrote out of the heart of Christ shall “flow rivers of living water” on it
Blessed to know who I am in light of it.
Where I am   right here    right now    in God’s plan in view of it
Sanctified and set apart for where my inheritance lies due to it.
All God’s feast days born of  it

God will gather in his people who trust in it.
The world created other days to celebrate in lieu of it.
Jump for joy   raise your arms    thank God    on account of it.
Pat your feet clap your hands on behalf of it.
Lift your voice to sing praise thanks to it.
Choose to believe in his word since The Father is the one who planned it
And he is the one who has the all the power to finish it
We have a lot to celebrate by reason of it.

The King of Kings and Lord of Lords will finish his ministry cut short from it.
He will rule Israel , 1000 years of peace in his Kingdom on Earth right afore it.
Sitting now on the right hand of the Father interceding so we can be included in it.
Raised to go prepare New Jerusalem with streets of gold entrenched into it.
This city where all those who are called by the name of Israel will live forever in it.   
The prophets and apostles all lived their lives for it. 
The celebrated 8th day ultimately is it.
The body will forever be delivered from the power of death upon it.
This is where our inheritance lies and we got a lot to celebrate.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

It's Real

Scarred within are she and her children.
The children run when they hear his key.
To his son he said, “You dog”
To his daughter he said, “You are ugly”

To his wife he constantly said, “You are a whore”
No cracked bones.
No blood from sliced flesh.
Obscure stats
Wounds that no one can see yet she can feel
Blemishes she can sense in her offspring.
Reaching epidemic proportions
Occurred most everyday
Who says it doesn't matter? Did you feel it too?
Others say she made too much of things
He says it was all in her mind
Some say her sons needed their father’s influence no matter the harm
Others say her daughters would not learn to sustain a relationship
Who can  mouth judgement if you haven't bunked there?
Scripture says God literally hates putting away
So does she         so do they
Witnessed of the wife of thy youth
Anguished by, “should she have stayed and are they better off?
Who knows the plight of a comfortless woman who sleeps next to a man bittered by a life before she wasn't there?
He gets to move on smile perky abated by new help.
While they fight with, “Do we matter?”
Who can mend the hearts broken when he treats them as if they don’t matter?
She thinks the scar that no one can see is healed,
But it keeps lifting its ugly head making her smile go away.
How can he ignore his children as if they don't exist?
How can he depart while their hearts bleed,
While they try to create a normal living
Grieving for an authentic benevolent head
He was expected to rule.   But with an iron hand?
And the basilica cold-shoulders her as if she were nothing.
Improper use of a wife and children
Sad face       tear drop     churning stomach   come and go    from out of nowhere
It's emotional       It's abusive        It's real.
Thoughts loom in her ear, "Why don't you just give up?"
"Give up and do what?"
Eve listened         She will not.
Because iniquity shall abound there are men who find revile too.
Who will ever cherish her like Christ loves the church?
Phew! He’s coming back soon. Thank God!