Friday, January 13, 2012

You are So Beautiful

You are so beautiful Black child
you are talented and gifted
You are wonderfully made by God himself
Hold your head up
Pull your pants up and cover up your thighs
know that you are loved
know that you are appreciated
Don’t give the enemy any place to worsen your dilemma
Don’t let anyone lower your low self esteem or cause you to doubt
You are indeed fearfully and wonderfully made
This could be your year to decree it and speak it
This could be the year of new beginnings
So get the move on Black child
God is faithful to perform all that He has promised to you
If you follow his lead you are his chosen
Chosen to be kings, queens, leaders, and priests
Be confident in Him and His word.
You Black child have power
The words you speak from your mouth determine your outcome
Why not speak good and positive things over your life
You are not defeated but rather
you are more than a conqueror
You may have been through a lot in your short life
But when I look at you I see a dimmed light
You are just as beautiful and as strong as ever
They told you you can be what you want to be in times past
You can
Oh how blessed you are
Look what God has done and look where He has brought you from
They stole your mothers and fathers from familiar shores
They didn’t want you to learn how to read
They lynched you and tried to keep your mind enslaved
For some time you played into their hands
You have killed each other so they didn’t have to
But today is a new day
You are beautiful Black Child
You can be what you want to be
Be good
Be positive
Be inspired
Be encouraged
Be uplifted
Be the best
It’s easy
Begin to bless God and praise Him for all that He has done
and for making you so beautiful
and for making you so talented
and for making you so intelligent
and for making you so strong
and for making you just who you are
and for making you the apple of his eye
He had you in his precious hands all the time
Your life is orchestrated by Him.
All you have to do is turn
He knows you and what is best for you
Believe that He has even greater things in store for you
And your children
and your children’s children
Hey Black child
get over the silly stuff
the bad stuff
the stuff that you know is not right
and grab hold of faith
Seek God as never before
Sure, times are hard
Sure, life is rough
Sure, there are difficult challenges you must face
Sure, there are people who try to hold you back
but God is good
Learn to love who He has made you
There is no one like you
You are unique
You are special
There are many things and people
present in the world that will work
to break you down.
The worst thing you can do is help them.
Within these words,
within these pages,
my only hope is
that you find something
to help you define yourself.
My hope is that within
this union of contemporary psalmed passages,
you discover the courage
to be the beautiful individual
you were intended to be.
Enjoy God and enjoy life Black child
There could be good things in store
If you would simply make the right choices
Choose to live right
Choose to go to school
Choose to respect yourself
Choose to respect your elders
Choose to know who you are
Choose to build a nation for your children
Choose to be what you want to be
Mountains will move if you just try
This was written especially for you Black child
With your beautiful selves

Get your copies of She Speaks Psalms and The Purple Rose on  Amazon.
She Speaks Psalms ISBN 1-60813-056-8 Inspiration, enlightenment, and empowerment for daily living. The author determinedly provides information that is bound to steer her readers to the only source for inner empowerment, The True and Living God. Motivation to live life to its fullest.

The Terror of Urban America - Taken from my book She Speaks Psalms

Ripping in the Village Street
Chasing gray haired women
Running in flocks after someone to beat
Young urban girls and young urban boys
Killing and  maimed  and broken
Playing with guns like they are toys

Taken into Egypt again long ago
Brought into this North Country by ship
Chained and shackled and whipped and mamas couldn’t see them grow
Stolen from the Ivory Coast
Sold for bondmen and bondwomen
Welcomed by an unsavory host

Urban youth hidden in prison houses
Standing at the heads of the street
On this corner and that
Filled with iniquity
Loved waxed colder than ice
His blood on the heads of the children of those
Who requested His life
Want no part in the blood of the lamb
Cursed in the city and cursed in the field

Called by this proverb and that
Won’t sing John Newton’s Amazing Grace
The anguish of stolen race whose children still won’t obey

Vexed and rebuked and traumatized and devastated and perishing quickly
Wisdom or knowledge or understanding is far from their minds
Smitten with consumption and stricken with fever
Filled with violence and inflammation in the brain
Pursued by pestilence, disease, drugs, and sirens
Evil written in their heart and wretched controlling their minds
Immoral in the tips of their fingers and embedded in their toes

Children of the priests meant to be taught to lead
Born to gain skill in being head and born to access the Leader of the pack
Who gave His life     to save them    to protect them     to comfort them
Yet they can’t passage the door where his comfort walks

They were conceived to be sons and daughters of kings and queens
Though removed into all kingdoms of the earth
Yet they are still dishonoring parents
cut off before their prime
The source of a civil war and caught in a yoke that is not easy nor light
Children whose minds have been tainted and twisted
and seared but strong and perplexed but growing still
and ravished and ill-treated and instructed in voracious
and beleaguered and dispraised and tormented
by priests and teachers and mothers and fathers
and aunts and uncles and brothers and neighbors
and those who were supposed to love them instead
Unrighteous and forsaken a seed begging bread
Using their tongues to call elders by names unseemly
Unnurtured and misused and ostracized and misjudged
and not raised and abused and ignored and untaught
Victims who victimize
Taint nobody’s pleasure
A hot mess
Making their calling and election from this cause unsure
Refusing to honor the hoary head
Won’t take part of the Lamb of God
Terrorized, terrorizer, terrorizing, terrorful, terrorizes
The terror of Urban America
Unable to access God’s good treasure
What’s wrong with em’?
What can we do?
And how do we get them back?
Back to regal and grand
Back to a moral stand
Back to the rich righteous real reverenced revered Rock
Back to a noble stock
Back to what is good and true
Back to love themselves, each other, me and you?

The Power of Waiting

There is absolute, unfathomable healing and power in waiting for prayers to be answered. More often than not after speaking the words in prayer and asking for help, strength, justice, healing, change, and restoration we get weary of the wait. Have you ever prayed for something with all your heart and with great expectation and faith unwavering - and didn't get it? ...then prayed a little longer for that same thing and nothing? ...then you got discouraged and stopped asking, or literally forgot about the prayer and put the expectation of it in the back of your mind? ...then all of a sudden out of the blue, months and sometimes years later - boom! That thing you prayed about or prayed for so long ago comes into fruition.

More often than not, we are not really ready for our prayers to be ansered at the time of the prayer, especially those deep things, those seemingly impossible things we desire. God has to take us through a developmental period which usualy always includes struggle, and challenge, and tumiult like a violent storm that takes place just before a calming phase. Other times God is testing us to make sure that we are worthy of such a blessing. Then there are those times that we don't want to speak about. He is chastising us for what we have intentionally transgressed in the past.

Either way, the only answer is to keep your thoughts and actions focused on that which is right and good without wavering. In this way, the ultimate design is the answer to that prayer that you forgot about. The one you prayed for so earnestly that it brought heart felt remorse, anticipation, desire, and other emotions to both you and Him as you prayed. The Lord heard that prayer and may have immediately begun to work it out for you since he knows the heart and he knows the spirit. He is the only one who does.

You know it is God when what you have prayed for stares you right in the face. No matter how long it took, no matter what changes has occured in your life since that that time, your blessing is real and it feels so natural. It probably brings with it a breath of fresh air, an immediate sense of sunshine beaming in your heart, and an aura of peace so complete it seems unreal.

It is certain that many of us have had this experience. This is a lesson in walking by faith and not by sight. Some things are impossible when looking at it through the eyes of your own flesh or the eyes of man. The problem as we wait we begin to manipulate the situation or that we lose our focus amd don't stay on the path of right and good so that we lose out on that earnest prayer. We just couldn't wait.

The other thing we have to remember as we wait, is that God's time is completely different from ours. He said that a day for us is like a thousand years for him. That means that he may have decided to bless us with that earnest prayer the moment he heard it, but it took time- sometimes a long time to reach us. In the time of wait, we forgot, or we manipulate the situation, or we just plain forgot and gave up. Remember when Daniel prayed and he God sent Gabriel with his answer immediately, but Satan held him up and the Warrior Angel Mikchayel has to come and intervene? Read His word while you wait. There is encouragement and strength hidden deep inside of it. Seek it and it will find you.

Remember, God comes through for those who are obedient to him as he promised he would. Your wait for him will be over sooner or later. Though extremely difficult, waiting is the very thing we need to learn to struggle for. There is true power in waiting for what you asked for ...what you deisred so long ago...that thing that you knew then would bring complete and utter joy to your heart and success to your life. Learn to wait, struggle in it. just make a decision to wait. The benefits are awesome.

His servants are more than conquerors when we focus on him and his expectations of us as we wait. Though it might be difficult to smile as we wait, I guarantee you that the Holy Spirit will erase the frowns, the tears, the tumult, the challenges, and the trouble that occured as we stood waiting for God to answer that earnest prayer we prayed so long ago. The trouble will be dream-like. The scripture says that the earnest expectation of a righteous man (women are also of the man family) availeth much.

While you wait, it is smart and beneficial to spend time sowing seeds on good ground. This will help us to refrain from throwing in the towel on God. There is power is waiting, we can actually wait on The Lord. Don't fret because, sooner or later the wait will be over and we will be able to walk in our season of blessings. Survive the worst of times, God is on your side when you follow his lead, stake your claim, write your name on that blessing, so that you will be able to walk right into that blessings. The time will come that the wait will be over and you will be uplifted in a way you never dreamt. Be encouraged, there will be plenty of time to enjoy that blessing.

The sun will shine, you will be encouraged, you will be more than a conqueror, you will feel peace and joy that is unmeasurable. God will come through. He always does! When he does, speak your testimoney to everyone who will listen and wait for your next blessing! Faith is all about believing the unseen and waiting for it to be reality.