You are so beautiful Black child
you are talented and gifted
You are wonderfully made by God himself
Hold your head up
Pull your pants up and cover up your thighs
know that you are loved
know that you are appreciated
Don’t give the enemy any place to worsen your dilemma
Don’t let anyone lower your low self esteem or cause you to doubt
You are indeed fearfully and wonderfully made
This could be your year to decree it and speak it
This could be the year of new beginnings
So get the move on Black child
God is faithful to perform all that He has promised to you
If you follow his lead you are his chosen
Chosen to be kings, queens, leaders, and priests
Be confident in Him and His word.
You Black child have power
The words you speak from your mouth determine your outcome
Why not speak good and positive things over your life
You are not defeated but rather
you are more than a conqueror
You may have been through a lot in your short life
But when I look at you I see a dimmed light
You are just as beautiful and as strong as ever
They told you you can be what you want to be in times past
You can
Oh how blessed you are
Look what God has done and look where He has brought you from
They stole your mothers and fathers from familiar shores
They didn’t want you to learn how to read
They lynched you and tried to keep your mind enslaved
For some time you played into their hands
You have killed each other so they didn’t have to
But today is a new day
You are beautiful Black Child
You can be what you want to be
Be good
Be positive
Be inspired
Be encouraged
Be uplifted
Be the best
It’s easy
Begin to bless God and praise Him for all that He has done
and for making you so beautiful
and for making you so talented
and for making you so intelligent
and for making you so strong
and for making you just who you are
and for making you the apple of his eye
He had you in his precious hands all the time
Your life is orchestrated by Him.
All you have to do is turn
He knows you and what is best for you
Believe that He has even greater things in store for you
And your children
and your children’s children
Hey Black child
get over the silly stuff
the bad stuff
the stuff that you know is not right
and grab hold of faith
Seek God as never before
Sure, times are hard
Sure, life is rough
Sure, there are difficult challenges you must face
Sure, there are people who try to hold you back
but God is good
Learn to love who He has made you
There is no one like you
You are unique
You are special
There are many things and people
present in the world that will work
to break you down.
The worst thing you can do is help them.
Within these words,
within these pages,
my only hope is
that you find something
to help you define yourself.
My hope is that within
this union of contemporary psalmed passages,
you discover the courage
to be the beautiful individual
you were intended to be.
Enjoy God and enjoy life Black child
There could be good things in store
If you would simply make the right choices
Choose to live right
Choose to go to school
Choose to respect yourself
Choose to respect your elders
Choose to know who you are
Choose to build a nation for your children
Choose to be what you want to be
Mountains will move if you just try
This was written especially for you Black child
With your beautiful selves
Get your copies of She Speaks Psalms and The Purple Rose on Amazon.
you are talented and gifted
You are wonderfully made by God himself
Hold your head up
Pull your pants up and cover up your thighs
know that you are loved
know that you are appreciated
Don’t give the enemy any place to worsen your dilemma
Don’t let anyone lower your low self esteem or cause you to doubt
You are indeed fearfully and wonderfully made
This could be your year to decree it and speak it
This could be the year of new beginnings
So get the move on Black child
God is faithful to perform all that He has promised to you
If you follow his lead you are his chosen
Chosen to be kings, queens, leaders, and priests
Be confident in Him and His word.
You Black child have power
The words you speak from your mouth determine your outcome
Why not speak good and positive things over your life
You are not defeated but rather
you are more than a conqueror
You may have been through a lot in your short life
But when I look at you I see a dimmed light
You are just as beautiful and as strong as ever
They told you you can be what you want to be in times past
You can
Oh how blessed you are
Look what God has done and look where He has brought you from
They stole your mothers and fathers from familiar shores
They didn’t want you to learn how to read
They lynched you and tried to keep your mind enslaved
For some time you played into their hands
You have killed each other so they didn’t have to
But today is a new day
You are beautiful Black Child
You can be what you want to be
Be good
Be positive
Be inspired
Be encouraged
Be uplifted
Be the best
It’s easy
Begin to bless God and praise Him for all that He has done
and for making you so beautiful
and for making you so talented
and for making you so intelligent
and for making you so strong
and for making you just who you are
and for making you the apple of his eye
He had you in his precious hands all the time
Your life is orchestrated by Him.
All you have to do is turn
He knows you and what is best for you
Believe that He has even greater things in store for you
And your children
and your children’s children
Hey Black child
get over the silly stuff
the bad stuff
the stuff that you know is not right
and grab hold of faith
Seek God as never before
Sure, times are hard
Sure, life is rough
Sure, there are difficult challenges you must face
Sure, there are people who try to hold you back
but God is good
Learn to love who He has made you
There is no one like you
You are unique
You are special
There are many things and people
present in the world that will work
to break you down.
The worst thing you can do is help them.
Within these words,
within these pages,
my only hope is
that you find something
to help you define yourself.
My hope is that within
this union of contemporary psalmed passages,
you discover the courage
to be the beautiful individual
you were intended to be.
Enjoy God and enjoy life Black child
There could be good things in store
If you would simply make the right choices
Choose to live right
Choose to go to school
Choose to respect yourself
Choose to respect your elders
Choose to know who you are
Choose to build a nation for your children
Choose to be what you want to be
Mountains will move if you just try
This was written especially for you Black child
With your beautiful selves
Get your copies of She Speaks Psalms and The Purple Rose on Amazon.