Saturday, December 3, 2011

How about a little lemon juice?

Adding just 1/2 tablespoon of lemon juice to each of your 8 daily cups of water (distilled water is best) provides nearly 20% of the daily value for vitamin C. This major antioxidant not only fights heart disease and boosts immunity but also helps form the collagen we need to heal tendons, ligaments, bones, and blood vessels. An antioxidant help prevent damage to your body cells or repair damage that has been done. Antioxidants may also improve immune function and perhaps lower your risk for infection and cancer.

The antioxidant process can be compared to stopping an apple from browning. Without fail, when you cut an apple, it begins to brown. The vitamin C contained in orange or lemon juice prevents the browing. If you dip it in orange or lemon juice, the apple remains white.

My sister who is a naprapath recommended that I follow this procedure. Squeeze two whole lemons in your tea, seltzer, or other beverages to get your daily vitamin C quota; fresh juice offers almost twice the C of bottled varieties. According to my elderly uncle's doctor, lemon juice is filled with potassium and will nourish the nerve cells. His doctor has him sipping it all day.

The infamous Jethro Kloss author of Back to Eden says, On page 659 of Back to Eden, Mr. Kloss points out that, “The lemon is a wonderful stimulant to the liver and is a dissolvent of uric acid and other poisons, liquefies the bile, and is very good in cases of malaria. Sufferers of chronic rheumatism and gout will benefit by taking lemon juice, also those who have a tendency to bleed, uterine hemorrhages, etc.; rickets and tuberculosis. In pregnancy, it will help to build bone in the child. We find that the lemon contains certain elements which will go to build up a healthy system and keep that system healthy and well. As a food, we find, owing to its potassium content, it will nourish the brain and nerve cells. Its calcium builds up the bony structure and makes healthy teeth. Its magnesium, in conjunction with calcium, has an important part to play in the formation of albumen in the blood. The lemon contains potassium 48.3, calcium 29.9, phosphorus 11.1, magnesium 4.4. Lemons are useful in treating asthma, biliousness, colds, coughs, sore throat, diphtheria, la grippe [flu or influenza], heartburn, liver complaint[s], scurvy, fevers and rheumatism.”

Lemons are very beneficial to overall health and general cleansing, a good for constipation. Simply adding 1/2 to 1 tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice to a glass of water in the morning will help the colon to ease out any waste left over from yesterday. It helps to free the body of impurities. It also helps build the immune system providing the body with almost 1/4 of its daily vitamin C requirements. Lemon juice acts as a powerful antioxidant that also helps fight 'dis-ease' and helps to form necessary collagen needed to heal tendons, ligaments, bones, and blood vessels. Fresh lemon juice is more beneficial than bottled because it is twice as potent. It supports the liver by providing a natural strengthening agent to the liver enzymes causing it to make more enzymes. Lastly, the juice of a lemon supports oxygen and calcium in the liver because it helps to regulate blood.

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