Wednesday, November 30, 2011

"...with God all things are possible." St. Mark 10: 27

What do you desire? Do you really desire to lose weight. Do you desire the Lord send you in the arms of a kind and loving mate?  Do you desire your husband treat you better?  Do you desire to finally get your college degree?  Do you desire to be a better person?  Be clear. My mother used to always say, "be careful what you ask for, you might get it." God hears everything. Somethings we ask for we forget we asked for it until it comes or it happens. Don't forget, that faith without works is dead. So if you want your situation to change, you have to be willing to do something about it as you pray.

Take time to think about it thoroughly weighing all sides. Think about the good and the bad of yor desire. You can even pray and ask God to even help you with being clear on what you want from him. Read his word. All of it! At least a few minutes three times per day like Daniel did. Learn to praise him with you lips as well as your actions. Cry to him, tell him what you feel, what you think, what you need, ask him to correct your thinking, to strengthen your heart, TALK TO JESUS! Sing to him, shout his name when you are happy, when you are distressed, when you are working, even in your mind while you sleep! Love him and find out how he wants to be loved.

Remember that love is a verb, it is an action word as well as a noun. It is a thing, an idea. It requires that we think as well as act upon it. If you love God, do something. Read 1 John 4 to find out about God and the kind of love he requires. In loving him, keep your mind on Jesus, daily. Psalms 119:164 also said to praise him 7 times each day. Once you are clear, pray, ask God for whatever you want. If you commit your self to him, delight in doing so, trust him, wait on him, and forgive others, God made you promises that he will keep.

If your life and your desire is within his will then he made a obligation to make it happen for you. Learn what it is that he wants his servants to do with their lives, the book will tell you that. The scripture says eat it, that simply means to read it all the time pray for understanding, meditate on it, recite it, write down passages
you feel. Eat his word rather than over indulging in any vice. Eat it rather than overeat on food. God is your strength and your comfort, not food and the love of man or woman. 

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