Sunday, December 11, 2011

Abuse vs Divorce

This is one controversy in Israel.  Moses allowed divorce because of the hardness of men's hearts.  You ever lived with a hard hearted man, I am here to tell you that it "t'an't nothin" nice.  "In the beginning it wasn't so", but neither was polygamy, meat eating and a whole lot of other things.  The Lord said he hated divorce, as a matter of fact most of us do too, but he didn't say it didn't need to happen nor did he say it won’t going to happen.  Well guess what?   "Shit happens!", It's just life.  Sometimes bad things, things that are taboo, unspeakable things, they do happen and very often we become better when it happens.  Yes, if each of us performed our duties in the manner in which the scripture dictates there would be no need for living with the pain of abuse nor would there be a need for divorce. 

Mind you, I am no advocate for divorce,  It is not supposed to be and I do see why.  But, again, ask the wife and children of a man who does not have a heart of flesh what they think about divorce.  Ask them why they are in the midst of one of his blow up or beat downs.  I guarantee you that you will get their most honest answer and their most sincere plea for compassion. But again, I am no advocate for divorce because Jesus said it was not supposed to be so, and he said "what God hath joined together, let no man put asunder".  I am not trying to give anybody a bible lesson so please look those scriptures up or ask somebody.

By the way, asunder means to pull apart, in case you didn't know.  You see I have pulled part every scripture that mentions or even hints to man, his, wife, and their relationship, and the power that comes from doing it right. I still want that!   However, I think the Lord  meant that nothing was supposed to come between a man and his wife, nothing, not even his lack of kindness, or his abuse, or his neglect, nor her folly either for that matter.  I think he meant that neither he nor she was to bring anything in the relationship that would pull that powerful bond apart.  Am I wrong? Did I mis-read that?  Let me tell you this.  Women don't usually leave good men thought men have been know to leave good women.  But, there are exceptions to every rule.    I would like to raise a few questions though.  Feel free leave your responses.

  • What happens to boys who live in an abusive household?  What happens to their friendships?  How will they choose a mate?  What kind of mate will they choose?  How will they allow their mate to treat them?  How will they treat their mate?

  • What happens to girls who live in an abusive household?  What happens to their friendships?  How will they choose a mate?  What kind of mate will they choose?  How will they allow their mate to treat them?  How will they treat their mate?
·        What happens when women neglect their children because they are focused on getting through the day because of emotional or physical abuse?

·        What happens to women who live with emotionally abusive men?  What are the long term effects?

·        What happens to men who live with a woman who never has anything nice to say and offers no help?  What happens to men who continue to abuse their spouses?  What are the physiological, emotional, and mental affects?   What about salvation?  Will their salvation be affected?

Now, I am ranting, this blog is NOT about promoting divorce.  I don't advocate it.  The focus will be empowerment, encouragement, and motivation.   Just as divorce affects everyone, so does abuse.  Neither is nothing nice. 

1 comment:

  1. I got just what I needed from this post. Thanks sistah gurl!
